### # Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import random, re, time, commands, urllib2 import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs mess = { 't': ('http://4q.cc/?pid=fact&person=mrt', r'.*?


', False), 'chuck': ('http://4q.cc/?pid=fact&person=chuck', r'.*?


', False), 'vin': ('http://4q.cc/?pid=fact&person=vin', r'.*?


', False), 'bauer': ('http://www.notrly.com/jackbauer/', r'


', False), 'bruce': ('http://geekz.co.uk/schneierfacts/', r'p class="fact">(?P.*?)(?P.*?)(?P.*?)(?P.*?)(?P.*?)', False), 'yourmom': ('http://pfa.php1h.com', r'


', True), 'bush': ('http://www.dubyaspeak.com/random.phtml', r'(?P)', True), 'southpark': ('http://www.southparkquotes.com/random.php?num=1', r'


', True), 'mjg': ('http://www.angryfacts.com', r'


', False), 'mjg59': ('http://www.angryfacts.com', r'


', False), 'vmjg': ('http://www.rjek.com/vmjg59.cgi', r'(?P.*?)

', True), 'vmjg59': ('http://www.rjek.com/vmjg59.cgi', r'(?P.*?)

', True), 'bofh': ('/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/bofh.txt', 'BOFH Excuse #%d: ', False), '42': ('/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/42.txt', '', False), 'magic8ball': ('/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/ball.txt', '', False), 'ferengi': ('/home/dennis/ubugtu/plugins/Mess/ferengi.txt', 'Ferengi rule of acquisition ', False) } data = {} for m in mess.keys(): if mess[m][0].startswith('http'): mess[m] = (mess[m][0],re.compile(mess[m][1], re.I|re.DOTALL), mess[m][2]) else: fd = open(mess[m][0]) data[mess[m][0]] = [x.strip() for x in fd.readlines()] fd.close() badwords = ['sex','masturbate','fuck','rape','dick','pussy','prostitute','hooker', 'orgasm','sperm','cunt','penis','shit','piss','urin','bitch','semen','cock'] tagre = re.compile(r'<.*?>') def filter(txt,off): _txt = txt.lower() if not off: for b in badwords: if b in _txt: return None txt = txt.replace('
','').replace('\n','').replace('\r','') txt = txt.replace('','/').replace('','/').replace('','*').replace('','*') txt = txt.replace('"','"').replace('<','<').replace('>','>') txt = tagre.sub('',txt) return txt times = {} def ok(func): func.offensive = False def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): global time plugin = args[0] channel = args[2].args[0] if not channel.startswith('#'): delay = 5 else: if not plugin.registryValue('enabled', channel): return delay = plugin.registryValue('delay', channel) if channel not in times.keys(): times[channel] = time.time() elif times[channel] < time.time() - delay: times[channel] = time.time() else: return i=0 func(*args, **kwargs) newfunc.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return newfunc class Mess(callbacks.PluginRegexp): """Random Mess plugin""" threaded = True regexps = ['hugme'] hugs = ["hugs %s","gives %s a big hug","gives %s a sloppy wet kiss", "huggles %s","squeezes %s","humps %s"] def isCommandMethod(self, name): if not callbacks.PluginRegexp.isCommandMethod(self, name): if name in mess: return True else: return False else: return True def listCommands(self): commands = callbacks.PluginRegexp.listCommands(self) #commands.extend(mes.keys()) commands.sort() return commands def getCommandMethod(self, command): try: return callbacks.PluginRegexp.getCommandMethod(self, command) except AttributeError: return self.messcb @ok def messcb(self, irc, msg, args): """General mess""" global data cmd = msg.args[1][1:] (loc, tx, off) = mess[cmd] if off and not self.registryValue('offensive', msg.args[0]): return if loc.startswith('http'): i = 0 while i < 5: inp = utils.web.getUrl(loc) fact = tx.search(inp).group('fact') fact = filter(fact,off) if fact: irc.reply(fact) return i += 1 else: i = random.randint(0,len(data[loc])-1) if '%d' in tx: tx = tx % i irc.reply(tx + data[loc][i]) messcb = wrap(messcb) # WARNING: depends on an alteration in supybot/callbacks.py - don't do # str(s) if s is unicode! @ok def dice(self, irc, msg, args, count): if not count: count = 1 elif count > 5: count = 5 elif count < 1: count = 1 t = u' '.join([x.__call__([u"\u2680",u"\u2681",u"\u2682",u"\u2683",u"\u2684",u"\u2685"]) for x in [random.choice]*count]) irc.reply(t) dice = wrap(dice, [additional('int')]) @ok def hugme(self, irc, msg, match): r""".*hug.*ubugtu""" irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.action(msg.args[0], self.hugs[random.randint(0,len(self.hugs)-1)] % msg.nick)) @ok def fortune(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a fortune cookie """ f = commands.getoutput('/usr/games/fortune -s') f.replace('\t',' ') f = f.split('\n') for l in f: if l: irc.reply(l) fortune = wrap(fortune) @ok def ofortune(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a possibly offensive fortune cookie """ if not self.registryValue('offensive', msg.args[0]): return f = commands.getoutput('/usr/games/fortune -so') f.replace('\t',' ') f = f.split('\n') for l in f: if l: irc.reply(l) ofortune = wrap(ofortune) @ok def futurama(self, irc, msg, args): """ Display a futurama quote """ u = urllib2.urlopen('http://slashdot.org') h = [x for x in u.headers.headers if x.startswith('X') and not x.startswith('X-Powered-By')][0] irc.reply(h[2:-2].replace(' ',' "',1) + '"') futurama = wrap(futurama) @ok def pony(self, irc, msg, args, text): """ NO! """ if not text: text = 'you' irc.reply("No %s can't have a pony, %s!" % (text, msg.nick)) pony = wrap(pony, [additional('text')]) Class = Mess