# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Terence Simpson # Copyright (c) 2010 Elián Hanisch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.registry as registry class ValidTypes(registry.OnlySomeStrings): """Invalid type, valid types are: 'removal', 'ban' or 'quiet'.""" validStrings = ('removal', 'ban', 'quiet') class SpaceSeparatedListOfTypes(registry.SpaceSeparatedListOf): Value = ValidTypes def configure(advanced): from supybot.questions import yn, something, output import sqlite import re import os from supybot.utils.str import format def anything(prompt, default=None): """Because supybot is pure fail""" from supybot.questions import expect return expect(prompt, [], default=default) Bantracker = conf.registerPlugin('Bantracker', True) def getReviewTime(): output("How many days should the bot wait before requesting a ban/quiet review?") review = something("Can be an integer or decimal value. Zero disables reviews.", default=str(Bantracker.request.review._default)) try: review = float(review) if review < 0: raise TypeError except TypeError: output("%r is an invalid value, it must be an integer or float greater or equal to 0" % review) return getReviewTime() else: return review output("If you choose not to enabled Bantracker for all channels, it can be enabled per-channel with the '@Config channel' command") enabled = yn("Enable Bantracker for all channels?") database = something("Location of the Bantracker database", default=Bantracker.database._default) bansite = anything("URL of the Bantracker web interface, without the 'bans.cgi'. (leave this blank if you aren't running a web server)") request = yn("Enable review and comment requests from bot?", default=False) if request and advanced: output("Which types would you like the bot to request comments for?") output(format("The available request types are %L", Bantracker.request.type._default)) types = anything("Separate types by spaces or commas:", default=', '.join(Bantracker.request.type._default)) type = set([]) for name in re.split(r',?\s+', types): name = name.lower() if name in ValidTypes.validStrings: type.add(name) output("Which nicks should be bot not requets comments from?") output("This is useful if you have automated channel bots that should not be directly asked for reviews") output("Is case-insensitive and the wildcards '*' and '?' are accepted.") ignores = anything("Separate nicks by spaces or commas:", default=', '.join(Bantracker.request.ignore._default)) ignore = set([]) for name in re.split(r',?\s+', ignores): name = name.lower() ignore.add(name) output("You can set the comment and review requests for some nicks to be forwarded to specific nicks/channels") output("This is useful if you have automated channel bots that should not be directly asked for reviews") output("Which nicks should these requests be forwarded for?") output("Is case-insensitive and the wildcards '*' and '?' are accepted.") forwards = anything("Separate nicks by spaces or commas:", default=', '.join(Bantracker.request.forward._default)) forward = set([]) for name in re.split(r',?\s+', forwards): name = name.lower() forward.add(name) output("Which nicks/channels should those requests be forwarded to?") output("Is case-insensitive and wildcards '*' and '?' are accepted.") channels_i = anything("Separate nicks/channels by spaces or commas:", default=', '.join(Bantracker.request.forward._default)) channels = set([]) for name in re.split(r',?\s+', channels_i): name = name.lower() channels.add(name) review = getReviewTime() else: type = Bantracker.request.type._default ignore = Bantracker.request.ignore._default forward = Bantracker.request.forward._default channels = Bantracker.request.forward.channels._default review = Bantracker.request.review._default Bantracker.enabled.setValue(enabled) Bantracker.database.setValue(database) Bantracker.bansite.setValue(bansite) Bantracker.request.setValue(request) Bantracker.request.type.setValue(type) Bantracker.request.ignore.setValue(ignore) Bantracker.request.forward.setValue(forward) Bantracker.request.forward.channels.setValue(channels) Bantracker.request.review.setValue(review) # Create the initial database db_file = Bantracker.database() if not db_file: db_file = conf.supybot.directories.data.dirize('bans.db') output("supybot.plugins.Bantracker.database will be set to %r" % db_file) Bantracker.database.setValue(db_file) if os.path.exists(db_file): output("%r already exists" % db_file) return output("Creating an initial database in %r" % db_file) con = sqlite.connect(db_file) cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE 'bans' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, channel VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, mask VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, operator VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, removal DATETIME, removal_op VARCHAR(30), log TEXT )""") #""" cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE comments ( ban_id INTEGER, who VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, comment MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL )""") #""" cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE sessions ( session_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY, user MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, time INT NOT NULL )""") #""" except: con.rollback() raise else: con.commit() finally: cur.close() con.close() Bantracker = conf.registerPlugin('Bantracker') conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker, 'enabled', registry.Boolean(False, """Enable the bantracker""")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Bantracker, 'database', registry.String(conf.supybot.directories.data.dirize('bans.db'), "Filename of the bans database", private=True)) conf.registerGlobalValue(Bantracker, 'bansite', registry.String('', "Web site for the bantracker, without the 'bans.cgi' appended", private=True)) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker, 'request', registry.Boolean(False, "Enable message requests from bot")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.request, 'type', SpaceSeparatedListOfTypes(['removal', 'ban', 'quiet'], "List of events for which the bot should request a comment.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.request, 'ignore', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings(['FloodBot?', 'FloodBotK?', 'ChanServ'], "List of nicks for which the bot won't request a comment."\ " Is case insensible and wildcards * ? are accepted.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.request, 'forward', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings([], "List of nicks for which the bot will forward the request to"\ " the channels/nicks defined in forwards.channels option."\ " Is case insensible and wildcards * ? are accepted.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.request.forward, 'channels', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings([], "List of channels/nicks to forward the comment request if the op is in the forward list.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker, 'review', registry.Boolean(True, "Enable/disable reviews per channel.")) conf.registerGlobalValue(Bantracker.review, 'when', registry.Float(7, "Days after which the bot will request for review a ban. Can be an integer or decimal" " value. Zero disables reviews globally.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.review, 'ignore', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings(['FloodBot?', 'FloodBotK?', 'ChanServ'], "List of nicks for which the bot won't request a review."\ " Is case insensible and wildcards * ? are accepted.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.review, 'forward', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings([], "List of nicks for which the bot will forward the reviews to"\ " the channels/nicks defined in forwards.channels option."\ " Is case insensible and wildcards * ? are accepted.")) conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker.review.forward, 'channels', registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings([], "List of channels/nicks to forward the request if the op is in the forward list."))