Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Dennis Kaarsemaker This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This plugin is a factoid plugin. Here's how to set it up: Pick a name for your database. A lowercase-only name without spaces is probably best, this example wil use myfactoids as name. Then create a directory to store your databases in (somewere in $botdir/data would be best). In the new directory create an sqlite database with the following command: sqlite myfactoids.db CREATE TABLE facts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, author VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, added DATETIME, value VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, popularity INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE TABLE log ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, author VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, added DATETIME, oldvalue VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ); If you want to create more databases, repeat these last two steps. When the databases exist, you need to configure the bots to actually use them. To do that, set the global value supybot.plugins.encyclopedia.datadir to the new dirand the channel value supybot.plugins.encyclopedia.database to the name of the database (without the .db suffix). Documentation on adding/editing factoids can be found on To give people edit access, let them register with your bot and use: %addeditor nickname_here (replace % with your prefix char). Similarly you can use removeeditor :). The web interface is a simple cgi script with some templates, css and the file from the bzr tree. Make sure you set the variables datadir and database in factoids.cgi to the correct values. Also set default_db to the one you want to show by default. This plugin used to have package lookup, this was mooved to the PackageInfo plugin.