# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Terence Simpson # Copyright (c) 2010 Elián Hanisch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### from supybot.test import * import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.world as world import re import time pluginConf = conf.supybot.plugins.Bantracker pluginConf.enabled.setValue(True) pluginConf.bansite.setValue('http://foo.bar.com') pluginConf.database.setValue('bantracker-test.db') def quiet(channel, hostmask, prefix='', msg=None): """Returns a MODE to quiet nick on channel.""" return ircmsgs.mode(channel, ('+q', hostmask), prefix, msg) class BantrackerTestCase(ChannelPluginTestCase): plugins = ('Bantracker',) def setUp(self): self.setDb() super(BantrackerTestCase, self).setUp() pluginConf.request.setValue(False) # disable comments pluginConf.request.ignore.set('') pluginConf.request.forward.set('') pluginConf.review.setValue(False) # disable reviews pluginConf.review.when.setValue(1.0/86400) # one second pluginConf.review.ignore.set('') pluginConf.review.forward.set('') # Bantracker for some reason doesn't use Supybot's own methods for check capabilities, # so it doesn't have a clue about testing and screws my tests by default. # This would fix it until I bring myself to take a look cb = self.getCallback() f = cb.check_auth def test_check_auth(*args, **kwargs): if world.testing: return True else: return f(*args, **kwargs) cb.check_auth = test_check_auth def setDb(self): import sqlite, os dbfile = os.path.join(os.curdir, pluginConf.database()) try: os.remove(dbfile) except: pass db = sqlite.connect(dbfile) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE bans (' 'id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,' 'channel VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,' 'mask VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,' 'operator VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,' 'time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,' 'removal DATETIME,' 'removal_op VARCHAR(30),' 'log TEXT)') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE comments (' 'ban_id INTEGER,' 'who VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,' 'comment MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,' 'time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL)') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE sessions (' 'session_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,' 'user MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,' 'time INT NOT NULL)') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE users (' 'username VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,' 'salt VARCHAR(8),' 'password VARCHAR(50))') db.commit() cursor.close() db.close() def getCallback(self): for cb in self.irc.callbacks: if cb.name() == 'Bantracker': break return cb def getDb(self): return self.getCallback().db def query(self, query, parms=()): cursor = self.getDb().cursor() cursor.execute(query, parms) return cursor.fetchall() def feedBan(self, hostmask, prefix='', channel=None, mode='b'): if not channel: channel = self.channel if not prefix: prefix = 'op!user@host.net' if mode == 'b': ban = ircmsgs.ban(channel, hostmask, prefix=prefix) elif mode == 'q': ban = quiet(channel, hostmask, prefix=prefix) elif mode == 'k': ban = ircmsgs.kick(channel, hostmask, s='kthxbye!', prefix=prefix) elif mode == 'p': ban = ircmsgs.part(channel, prefix=hostmask, s='requested by %s (kthxbye!)' %prefix[:prefix.find('!')]) self.irc.feedMsg(ban) return ban def testComment(self): self.assertResponse('comment 1', "I don't know any ban with id 1.") self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.assertResponse('comment 1', 'No comments recorded for ban 1') self.assertResponse('comment 1 this is a test', 'The operation succeeded.') self.assertRegexp('comment 1', 'test: this is a test$') self.assertResponse('comment 1 this is a test, another test', 'The operation succeeded.') def testMultiComment(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.feedBan('qwe!*@*') self.assertResponse('comment 1,2,3 this is a test', "I don't know any ban with id 3.") msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg.args[1], "test: The operation succeeded.") self.assertRegexp('comment 1,2', 'test: this is a test$') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertTrue(msg.args[1].endswith("test: this is a test")) def testCommentDuration(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.assertResponse('comment 1 this is a test, 1 week 10', 'Ban set for auto removal: 1') self.assertRegexp('comment 1', 'test: this is a test, 1 week 10$') self.assertRegexp('duration 1', 'expires in 1 week$') def testCommentRequest(self): pluginConf.request.setValue(True) # test bans self.feedBan('asd!*@*') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the ban of asd!*@* in #test, use: @comment 1" " ") # test quiets self.feedBan('dude!*@*', mode='q') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the quiet of dude!*@* in #test, use: @comment 2" " ") # test kick/part self.feedBan('dude', mode='k') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the removal of dude in #test, use: @comment 3" " ") self.feedBan('dude!dude@trollpit.com', mode='p') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the removal of dude in #test, use: @comment 4" " ") def testCommentIgnore(self): pluginConf.request.setValue(True) pluginConf.request.ignore.set('FloodBot? FloodBotK?') self.feedBan('asd!*@*', prefix='floodbotk1!bot@botpit.com') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedBan('dude!*@*', mode='q', prefix='FloodBot1!bot@botpit.com') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedBan('dude', mode='k', prefix='FloodBot2!bot@botbag.com') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedBan('dude!dude@trollpit.com', mode='p', prefix='FloodBotK2!bot@botbag.com') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedBan('asd!*@*') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the ban of asd!*@* in #test, use: @comment 5" " ") def testCommentForward(self): pluginConf.request.setValue(True) pluginConf.request.forward.set('bot') pluginConf.request.forward.channels.set('#channel') self.feedBan('qwe!*@*') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Please comment on the ban of qwe!*@* in #test, use: @comment 1" " ") self.feedBan('zxc!*@*', prefix='bot!user@host.com') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "NOTICE #channel :Please somebody comment on the ban of zxc!*@* in #test done by bot," " use: @comment 2 ") def testReview(self): pluginConf.review.setValue(True) cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') cb.reviewBans() self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) print 'waiting 4 secs..' time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans() # check is pending self.assertTrue(cb.pendingReviews) # send msg if a user with a matching host says something self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op!user@fakehost.net') self.assertEqual(self.irc.takeMsg(), None) self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op_!user@host.net') self.assertEqual(str(self.irc.takeMsg()).strip(), "PRIVMSG op_ :Review: ban 'asd!*@*' set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=1" %(cb.bans['#test'][0].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) # don't ask again cb.reviewBans() self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) # test again with two ops self.feedBan('asd2!*@*') self.irc.takeMsg() self.feedBan('qwe!*@*', prefix='otherop!user@home.net', mode='q') self.irc.takeMsg() time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans() self.assertTrue(len(cb.pendingReviews) == 2) self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op!user@fakehost.net') self.assertEqual(self.irc.takeMsg(), None) self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (2): otherop:1 op:1') self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='mynickissocreative!user@home.net') self.assertEqual(str(self.irc.takeMsg()).strip(), "PRIVMSG mynickissocreative :Review: quiet 'qwe!*@*' set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=3" %(cb.bans['#test'][2].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) self.feedMsg('ping', to='test', frm='op!user@host.net') # in a query self.irc.takeMsg() # drop pong reply self.assertEqual(str(self.irc.takeMsg()).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Review: ban 'asd2!*@*' set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=2" %(cb.bans['#test'][1].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) def testReviewForward(self): pluginConf.review.setValue(True) pluginConf.review.forward.set('bot') pluginConf.review.forward.channels.set('#channel') cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*', prefix='bot!user@host.net') self.feedBan('asd!*@*', prefix='bot!user@host.net', mode='q') cb.reviewBans(self.irc) self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) print 'waiting 2 secs..' time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans(self.irc) # since it's a forward, it was sent already self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) self.assertTrue(re.search( r"^NOTICE #channel :Review: ban 'asd!\*@\*' set by bot on .* in #test,"\ r" link: .*/bans\.cgi\?log=1$", str(self.irc.takeMsg()).strip())) self.assertTrue(re.search( r"^NOTICE #channel :Review: quiet 'asd!\*@\*' set by bot on .* in #test,"\ r" link: .*/bans\.cgi\?log=2$", str(self.irc.takeMsg()).strip())) def testReviewIgnore(self): pluginConf.review.setValue(True) pluginConf.review.ignore.set('FloodBot? FloodBotK?') cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*', prefix='floodbotk1!bot@botpit.com') cb.reviewBans(self.irc) self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) print 'waiting 2 secs..' time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans(self.irc) # since it's was ignored, it should not be queued self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) def testReviewNickFallback(self): """If for some reason we don't have ops full hostmask, revert to nick match. This may be needed in the future as hostmasks aren't stored in the db.""" pluginConf.review.setValue(True) cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') cb.bans['#test'][0].who = 'op' # replace hostmask by nick print 'waiting 2 secs..' time.sleep(2) cb.reviewBans() # check is pending self.assertTrue(cb.pendingReviews) self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (1): op:1') # send msg if a user with a matching nick says something self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op_!user@host.net') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg, None) self.feedMsg('Hi!', frm='op!user@host.net') msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "PRIVMSG op :Review: ban 'asd!*@*' set on %s in #test, link: "\ "%s/bans.cgi?log=1" %(cb.bans['#test'][0].ascwhen, pluginConf.bansite())) # check not pending anymore self.assertFalse(cb.pendingReviews) def testReviewStore(self): """Save pending reviews and when bans were last checked. This is needed for plugin reloads""" msg1 = ircmsgs.privmsg('nick', 'Hello World') msg2 = ircmsgs.privmsg('nick', 'Hello World') # duplicate msg, should be ignored msg2 = ircmsgs.privmsg('nick', 'Hello World2') msg3 = ircmsgs.notice('#chan', 'Hello World') msg4 = ircmsgs.privmsg('nick_', 'Hello World') pr = self.getCallback().pendingReviews pr['host.net'] = [('op', msg1), ('op', msg2), ('op_', msg3)] pr['home.net'] = [('dude', msg4)] self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (4): op_:1 dude:1 op:2') pr.close() pr.clear() pr.open() self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (4): op_:1 dude:1 op:2') items = pr['host.net'] self.assertTrue(items[0][0] == 'op' and items[0][1] == msg1) self.assertTrue(items[1][0] == 'op' and items[1][1] == msg2) self.assertTrue(items[2][0] == 'op_' and items[2][1] == msg3) items = pr['home.net'] self.assertTrue(items[0][0] == 'dude' and items[0][1] == msg4) def testReviewBanreview(self): pr = self.getCallback().pendingReviews m = ircmsgs.privmsg('#test', 'ban review') pr['host.net'] = [('op', m), ('op_', m), ('op', m)] pr['home.net'] = [('dude', m)] pr[None] = [('dude_', m)] self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (5): dude_:1 op_:1 dude:1 op:2') self.assertResponse('banreview --verbose', 'Pending ban reviews (5): op@host.net:2 dude_:1 op_@host.net:1 dude@home.net:1') self.assertRegexp('banreview --flush op@host', '^No reviews for op@host') self.assertResponse('banreview --view dude_', 'ban review') self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (5): dude_:1 op_:1 dude:1 op:2') self.assertResponse('banreview --flush op@host.net', 'ban review') # love ya supybot ↓ self.assertEqual(self.irc.takeMsg().args[1], 'test: ban review') self.assertResponse('banreview', 'Pending ban reviews (3): dude_:1 op_:1 dude:1') def testBan(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') fetch = self.query("SELECT id,channel,mask,operator FROM bans") self.assertEqual((1, '#test', 'asd!*@*', 'op'), fetch[0]) def testQuiet(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*', mode='q') fetch = self.query("SELECT id,channel,mask,operator FROM bans") self.assertEqual((1, '#test', '%asd!*@*', 'op'), fetch[0]) def testKick(self): self.feedBan('troll', mode='k') fetch = self.query("SELECT id,channel,mask,operator FROM bans") self.assertEqual((1, '#test', 'troll', 'op'), fetch[0]) def testPart(self): self.feedBan('troll!user@trollpit.net', mode='p') fetch = self.query("SELECT id,channel,mask,operator FROM bans") self.assertEqual((1, '#test', 'troll', 'op'), fetch[0]) def testDuration(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') cb.autoRemoveBans(self.irc) self.assertFalse(cb.managedBans) self.assertNotError('duration 1 1') self.assertTrue(cb.managedBans) # ban in list print 'waiting 2 secs ...' time.sleep(2) cb.autoRemoveBans(self.irc) self.assertFalse(cb.managedBans) # ban removed msg = self.irc.takeMsg() # unban msg self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "MODE #test -b :asd!*@*") def testDurationMergeModes(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.feedBan('qwe!*@*') self.feedBan('zxc!*@*') self.feedBan('asd!*@*', mode='q') self.feedBan('qwe!*@*', mode='q') self.feedBan('zxc!*@*', mode='q') self.assertNotError('duration 1,2,3,4,5,6 0') print 'waiting 1 secs ...' time.sleep(1) cb.autoRemoveBans(self.irc) msg = self.irc.takeMsg() # unban msg self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "MODE #test -qqqb zxc!*@* qwe!*@* asd!*@* :zxc!*@*") msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "MODE #test -bb qwe!*@* :asd!*@*") def testDurationMultiSet(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.assertResponse('duration 1,2 10', "Failed to set duration time on ban 2 (unknow id)") msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(msg.args[1], "test: Ban set for auto removal: 1") def testDurationQuiet(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*', mode='q') self.assertNotError('duration 1 0') print 'waiting 1 sec ...' time.sleep(1) cb.autoRemoveBans(self.irc) msg = self.irc.takeMsg() # unban msg self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "MODE #test -q :asd!*@*") def testDurationBadType(self): self.feedBan('nick', mode='k') self.assertResponse('duration 1 0', "Failed to set duration time on ban 1 (not a ban or quiet)") self.feedBan('$a:nick') self.assertResponse('duration 2 0', 'Ban set for auto removal: 2') def testDurationBadId(self): self.assertResponse('duration 1 0', "Failed to set duration time on ban 1 (unknow id)") def testDurationInactiveBan(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.irc.feedMsg(ircmsgs.unban(self.channel, 'asd!*@*', 'op!user@host.net')) self.assertResponse('duration 1 0', "Failed to set duration time on ban 1 (ban was removed)") def testDurationTimeFormat(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.assertNotError('duration 1 10m') self.assertEqual(cb.managedBans.shelf[0].expires, 600) self.assertNotError('duration 1 2 weeks') self.assertEqual(cb.managedBans.shelf[0].expires, 1209600) self.assertNotError('duration 1 1m 2 days') self.assertEqual(cb.managedBans.shelf[0].expires, 172860) self.assertNotError('duration 1 24h 1day') self.assertEqual(cb.managedBans.shelf[0].expires, 172800) self.assertNotError('duration 1 1m1h1d1w1M1y') self.assertEqual(cb.managedBans.shelf[0].expires, 34822860) self.assertNotError('duration 1 999') self.assertEqual(cb.managedBans.shelf[0].expires, 999) def testDurationTimeFormatBad(self): self.assertError('duration 1 10 apples') def testDurationNotice(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.assertNotError('duration 1 300') pluginConf.autoremove.notify.channels().append('#test') try: cb.autoRemoveBans(self.irc) msg = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(str(msg).strip(), "NOTICE #test :ban \x0309[\x03\x021\x02\x0309]\x03 \x0310asd!*@*\x03"\ " in \x0310#test\x03 will expire in a few minutes.") # don't send the notice again. cb.autoRemoveBans(self.irc) self.assertFalse(self.irc.takeMsg()) finally: del pluginConf.autoremove.notify.channels()[:] def testAutoremoveStore(self): self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.feedBan('qwe!*@*') self.feedBan('zxc!*@*', mode='q') self.assertNotError('duration 1 10m') self.assertNotError('duration 2 1d') self.assertNotError('duration 3 1w') cb = self.getCallback() cb.managedBans.shelf[1].notified = True cb.managedBans.close() cb.managedBans.shelf = [] cb.managedBans.open() L = cb.managedBans.shelf for i, n in enumerate((600, 86400, 604800)): self.assertEqual(L[i].expires, n) for i, n in enumerate((False, True, False)): self.assertEqual(L[i].notified, n) for i, n in enumerate((1, 2, 3)): self.assertEqual(L[i].ban.id, n) for i, n in enumerate(('asd!*@*', 'qwe!*@*', '%zxc!*@*')): self.assertEqual(L[i].ban.mask, n) self.assertEqual(L[0].ban.channel, '#test') def testBaninfo(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.assertResponse('duration 1', '[1] ban - asd!*@* - #test - never expires') self.assertNotError('duration 1 10') self.assertResponse('duration 1', '[1] ban - asd!*@* - #test - expires soon') self.assertNotError('duration 1 34502') self.assertResponse('duration 1', '[1] ban - asd!*@* - #test - expires in 9 hours and 35 minutes') self.irc.feedMsg(ircmsgs.unban(self.channel, 'asd!*@*', 'op!user@host.net')) self.assertResponse('duration 1', '[1] ban - asd!*@* - #test - not active') def testBaninfoGeneral(self): cb = self.getCallback() self.feedBan('asd!*@*') self.feedBan('qwe!*@*') self.assertNotError('duration 1 1d') self.assertResponse('duration', "1 bans set to expire: 1") self.assertNotError('duration 2 1d') self.assertResponse('duration', "2 bans set to expire: 1, 2")