This plugin can store all bans/kicks etc in an sqlite database. It includes a cgi script to view bans/kicks and comment on them. To view/user the bantracker web interface a user must use the @btlogin command from the bot. They must also have the 'bantracker' capability. You can use the @mark [] [] command to manually add an entry to the bantracker without having to actially kick/ban someone. The schema of the SQLite2 database: CREATE TABLE bans ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, channel VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, mask VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, operator VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, removal DATETIME, removal_op VARCHAR(30), log TEXT ); CREATE TABLE comments ( ban_id INTEGER, who VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, comment MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE sessions ( session_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY, user MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, time INT NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX comments_ban_id ON comments(ban_id); To configure the plugin, create the SQLite2 database with above structure and set supybot.plugins.bantracker.database to its filename. Then enable it, either per-channel or globally, by setting the channel variable: supybot.plugins.bantracker.enabled You can create the database by using the "sqlite" command-line tool by passing the file name and then copy/paste the above table schema. Then type ".quit" to save and exit. If you choose to enable this plugin during the initial setup (with the command supybot-wizard), then the database will be created automatically for you. If you wish to use the web interface, it also uses which should be on your sys.path (or as you can see in cgt/bans.cgi, sys.path is modified to include the dir of You should place the contents of the cgi/ directory somewhere accessible by your web server, and modify the CONFIG_FILENAME variable near the top of the script to point to the location of your bantracker.conf. Then modify the bantracker.conf file to reflect the proper values for your setup. The meanings of the entries in bantracker.conf are: Key Type Description anonymous_access Boolean True if annonmous access is allowed, otherwise False. database String The full path to the SQLite bantracker database. results_per_page Number The maximum number of results that should be shown per page. plugin_path String The full path to the directory that contains the file. irc_network String The DNS name of the IRC network anonymous users are directed to when anonymous access is disabled. irc_channel String The channel name anonymous users are directed to when anonmous access is disabled.