
262 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
import supybot.schedule as schedule
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import pytz
import ical
import datetime, shelve, re
import cPickle as pickle
def _event_to_string(event, timezone):
if not timezone:
return "%s UTC: %s" % (event.startDate.strftime("%d %b %H:%M"), event.summary)
return "%s: %s" % (event.startDate.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)).strftime("%d %b %H:%M"), event.summary)
def diff(delta):
s = ''
if delta.days:
if delta.days != 1:
s = 's'
return '%d day%s' % (delta.days, s)
h = ''
if delta.seconds > 7200:
s = 's'
if delta.seconds > 3600:
h = '%d hour%s ' % (int(delta.seconds/3600),s)
s = ''
minutes = (delta.seconds % 3600) / 60
if minutes != 1:
s = 's'
return '%s%d minute%s' % (h,minutes,s)
class Webcal(callbacks.Plugin):
"""@schedule <timezone>: display the schedule in your timezone"""
threaded = True
def __init__(self, irc):
callbacks.Privmsg.__init__(self, irc)
self.irc = irc
schedule.addPeriodicEvent(self._refresh_cache, 60 * 20, name=self.name())
schedule.addPeriodicEvent(self._autotopics, 60, name=self.name() + 'b')
self.cache = {}
self.subs = shelve.open('/home/dennis/ubotu/data/subscriptions.db')
def die(self):
schedule.removeEvent(self.name() + 'b')
def reset(self):
def _filter(self, event, channel, now):
fword = self.registryValue('filter', channel)
if fword.lower() not in event.raw_data.lower():
return False
delta = event.endDate - now
return delta.days >= 0 or (delta.days == -1 and abs(delta).seconds < 30 * 60)
def _gettopic(self, url, channel, timezone=None, no_topic=False, num_events=6):
if url not in self.cache.keys():
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
events = filter(lambda x: self._filter(x,channel,now),self.cache[url])[:num_events]
preamble = ''
if len(events):
# The standard slack of 30 minutes after the meeting will be an
# error if there are 2 conscutive meetings, so remove the first
# one in that case
if len(events) > 1 and events[1].startDate < now:
events = events[1:]
ev0 = events[0]
delta = abs(ev0.startDate - now)
if ev0.startDate < now or (delta.days == 0 and delta.seconds < 10 * 60):
preamble = 'Current meeting: %s' % ev0.summary.replace('Meeting','').strip()
if num_events == 1:
return preamble
events = events[1:]
preamble += ' | '
# n_e = 1 -> next meeting
# n_t = T -> n_t
if num_events == 1:
if not events:
return "No meetings scheduled"
return 'Next meeting: %s in %s' % (events[0].summary.replace('Meeting','').strip(), diff(delta))
events = map(lambda x: _event_to_string(x,timezone), events)
newtopic = ' | '.join(events).replace(' Meeting','')
template = self.registryValue('topic', channel)
if '%s' in template and not no_topic:
newtopic = template % str(newtopic)
return preamble + newtopic
def _meeting_in_progress(self, url, channel):
return False
if url not in self.cache.keys():
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
events = filter(lambda x: self._filter(x,channel,now),self.cache[url])[:1]
if len(events):
if len(events) and events[0].endDate < now:
events = events[1:]
if not events:
return False
ev0 = events[0]
#print now, ev0.startDate, ev0.endDate
delta = abs(ev0.startDate - now)
if ev0.startDate < now and delta.seconds > 10 * 5:
return True
return False
def _autotopics(self):
for c in self.irc.state.channels:
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if self._meeting_in_progress(url, c):
if url and self.registryValue('doTopic', c):
newtopic = self._gettopic(url, c)
if newtopic and not (newtopic.strip() == self.irc.state.getTopic(c).strip()):
self.irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.topic(c, newtopic))
def _refresh_cache(self,url=None):
if url:
data = utils.web.getUrl(url)
parser = ical.ICalReader(data)
self.cache[url] = parser.events
for c in self.irc.state.channels:
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if url:
data = utils.web.getUrl(url)
parser = ical.ICalReader(data)
self.cache[url] = parser.events
def topic(self, irc, msg, args):
url = self.registryValue('url', msg.args[0])
if not url or not self.registryValue('doTopic',channel=msg.args[0]):
if self._meeting_in_progress(url, msg.args[0]):
irc.error("Can't update topic while a meeting is in progress")
newtopic = self._gettopic(url, msg.args[0])
# Only change topic if it actually is different!
if not (newtopic.strip() == irc.state.getTopic(msg.args[0]).strip()):
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.topic(msg.args[0], newtopic))
topic = wrap(topic)
def _tzfilter(self, tz, ud):
if tz == ud:
return True
pos = tz.find('/')
while not (pos == -1):
if tz[pos+1:] == ud:
return True
pos = tz.find('/',pos+1)
# Repeat, with spaces replaced by underscores
ud = ud.replace(' ','_')
if tz == ud:
return True
pos = tz.find('/')
while not (pos == -1):
if tz[pos+1:] == ud:
return True
pos = tz.find('/',pos+1)
return False
def schedule(self, irc, msg, args, tz):
""" Retrieve the date/time of scheduled meetings in a specific timezone """
if not tz:
tz = 'utc'
if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]):
c = msg.args[0]
c = self.registryValue('defaultChannel')
if not c:
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if not url:
tzs = filter(lambda x: self._tzfilter(x.lower(),tz.lower()), pytz.all_timezones)
if not tzs or 'gmt' in tz.lower():
irc.error('Unknown timezone: %s - Full list: http://bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl/timezones.html' % tz)
if self._meeting_in_progress(url, c):
irc.error('Please don\'t use @schedule during a meeting')
irc.reply('Schedule for %s: %s' % (tzs[0],self._gettopic(url, c, timezone=tzs[0], no_topic=True)), private=True)
irc.reply('Schedule for %s: %s' % (tzs[0],self._gettopic(url, c, timezone=tzs[0], no_topic=True)))
schedule = wrap(schedule, [additional('text')])
def now(self, irc, msg, args, tz):
""" Display the current time """
now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
if not tz:
tz = 'utc'
tzs = filter(lambda x: self._tzfilter(x.lower(),tz.lower()), pytz.all_timezones)
if not tzs or 'gmt' in tz.lower():
irc.error('Unknown timezone: %s - Full list: http://bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl/timezones.html' % tz)
if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]):
c = msg.args[0]
c = self.registryValue('defaultChannel')
if not c:
meeting = ''
url = self.registryValue('url', c)
if url:
meeting = self._gettopic(url, c, timezone=tzs[0], no_topic = True, num_events = 1)
if meeting:
meeting = ' - ' + meeting
irc.reply('Current time in %s: %s%s' % (tzs[0],
now.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tzs[0])).strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S"),meeting))
now = wrap(now, [additional('text')])
time = now
def subscribe(self, irc, msg, args, regex):
rx = re.compile(regex)
irc.error("Invalid reguar expression")
self.subs[msg.nick.lower()] = (regex, rx)
irc.reply("Subscription succesful")
subscribe = wrap(subscribe, ['text'])
def subscription(self, irc, msg, args):
n = msg.nick.lower()
if n in self.subs:
irc.reply("Your subscription: %s" % self.subs[n][0])
irc.reply("You haven't subscribed yet")
subscription = wrap(subscription)
# Warn people that you manage the topic
def doTopic(self, irc, msg):
if not self.registryValue('doTopic'):
irc.reply("The topic of %s is managed by me and filled with the contents of %s - please don't change manually" % (msg.args[0],url), private=True)
Class = Webcal