
219 lines
8.8 KiB

# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Terence Simpson
# Copyright (c) 2017- Krytarik Raido
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)
import subprocess, os, apt, re
import supybot.utils as utils
from email.parser import FeedParser
def component(arg):
if '/' in arg:
return arg[:arg.find('/')]
return 'main'
def description(pkg):
if 'Description-en' in pkg:
return pkg['Description-en'].split('\n')[0]
elif 'Description' in pkg:
return pkg['Description'].split('\n')[0]
return "Description not available"
class Apt:
def __init__(self, plugin):
self.aptdir = plugin.registryValue('aptdir')
self.distros = []
self.plugin = plugin
self.log = plugin.log
os.environ["LANG"] = "C"
if self.aptdir:
self.distros = sorted([x[:-5] for x in os.listdir(self.aptdir) if x.endswith('.list')])
def apt_cache(self, distro, cmd, pkg):
return subprocess.check_output(['apt-cache',
'-oDir::State::Lists=%s/%s' % (self.aptdir, distro),
'-oDir::State::Status=%s/%s.status' % (self.aptdir, distro),
'-oDir::Etc::SourceList=%s/%s.list' % (self.aptdir, distro),
'-oDir::Cache=%s/cache' % self.aptdir] +
cmd + [pkg.lower()]).decode('utf-8')
def apt_file(self, distro, pkg):
return subprocess.check_output(['apt-file',
'-oDir::State::Lists=%s/%s' % (self.aptdir, distro),
'-oDir::State::Status=%s/%s.status' % (self.aptdir, distro),
'-oDir::Etc::SourceList=%s/%s.list' % (self.aptdir, distro),
'-oDir::Cache=%s/cache' % self.aptdir,
'-l', '-i', 'search', pkg]).decode('utf-8')
def _parse(self, pkg):
parser = FeedParser()
return parser.close()
def find(self, pkg, distro, filelookup=True):
if distro.split('-')[0] in ('oldstable', 'stable', 'unstable', 'testing', 'experimental'):
pkgTracURL = "https://packages.debian.org"
pkgTracURL = "https://packages.ubuntu.com"
data = self.apt_cache(distro, ['search', '-n'], pkg)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
data = e.output
if not data:
if filelookup:
data = self.apt_file(distro, pkg).split()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
self.log.error("PackageInfo/packages: Please update the cache for %s" % distro)
return "Cache out of date, please contact the administrator"
except OSError:
self.log.error("PackageInfo/packages: apt-file is not installed")
return "Please use %s/ to search for files" % pkgTracURL
if data:
if len(data) > 10:
return "File %s found in %s and %d others <%s/search?searchon=contents&keywords=%s&mode=exactfilename&suite=%s&arch=any>" % (pkg, ', '.join(data[:10]), len(data)-10, pkgTracURL, utils.web.urlquote(pkg), distro)
return "File %s found in %s" % (pkg, ', '.join(data))
return 'Package/file %s does not exist in %s' % (pkg, distro)
return "No packages matching '%s' could be found" % pkg
pkgs = [x.split()[0] for x in data.split('\n') if x]
if len(pkgs) > 10:
return "Found: %s and %d others <%s/search?keywords=%s&searchon=names&suite=%s&section=all>" % (', '.join(pkgs[:10]), len(pkgs)-10, pkgTracURL, utils.web.urlquote(pkg), distro)
return "Found: %s" % ', '.join(pkgs)
def raw_info(self, pkg, distro, isSource, archlookup=True):
data = self.apt_cache(distro, ['show'] if not isSource else ['showsrc', '--only-source'], pkg)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
data = ''
if not data:
return 'Package %s does not exist in %s' % (pkg, distro)
maxp = {'Version': '0~'}
packages = list(map(self._parse, [x for x in data.split('\n\n') if x]))
for p in packages:
if apt.apt_pkg.version_compare(maxp['Version'], p['Version']) <= 0:
maxp = p
if isSource:
bdeps = maxp.get('Build-Depends')
vcs = maxp.get('Vcs-Browser')
for (key, value) in list(maxp.items()):
if key.startswith('Build-Depends-'):
bdeps = "%s, %s" % (bdeps, value) if bdeps else value
elif key.startswith('Vcs-') and not vcs:
vcs = "%s (%s)" % (value, key[4:])
maxp['Builddeps'] = bdeps
maxp['Vcs'] = vcs
return maxp
if not maxp.get('Source'):
maxp['Sourcepkg'] = maxp['Package']
maxp['Sourcepkg'] = maxp['Source'].split()[0]
if not archlookup:
return maxp
data2 = self.apt_cache(distro, ['showsrc', '--only-source'], maxp['Sourcepkg'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
data2 = ''
if not data2:
return maxp
maxp2 = {'Version': '0~'}
packages2 = list(map(self._parse, [x for x in data2.split('\n\n') if x]))
for p in packages2:
if apt.apt_pkg.version_compare(maxp2['Version'], p['Version']) <= 0:
maxp2 = p
archs = re.match(r'.*^ %s \S+ \S+ \S+ arch=(?P<arch>\S+)$' % re.escape(pkg), maxp2['Package-List'],
re.I | re.M | re.DOTALL)
if archs:
archs = archs.group('arch').split(',')
if not ('any' in archs or 'all' in archs):
maxp['Architectures'] = ', '.join(archs)
return maxp
def info(self, pkg, distro, isSource):
maxp = self.raw_info(pkg, distro, isSource)
if isinstance(maxp, str):
return maxp
if isSource:
return "%s (%s, %s): Packages %s. Maintained by %s%s" % (
maxp['Package'], maxp['Version'], distro, maxp['Binary'].replace('\n',''),
re.sub(r' <\S+>$', '', maxp.get('Original-Maintainer', maxp['Maintainer'])),
" @ %s" % maxp['Vcs'] if maxp['Vcs'] else "")
return "{} ({}, {}): {}. In component {}, is {}. Built by {}. Size {:,} kB / {:,} kB{}".format(
maxp['Package'], maxp['Version'], distro, description(maxp), component(maxp['Section']),
maxp['Priority'], maxp['Sourcepkg'], int((int(maxp['Size'])/1024)+1), int(maxp['Installed-Size']),
". (Only available for %s.)" % maxp['Architectures'] if maxp.get('Architectures') else "")
def depends(self, pkg, distro, isSource):
maxp = self.raw_info(pkg, distro, isSource, archlookup=False)
if isinstance(maxp, str):
return maxp
if isSource:
return "%s (%s, %s): Build depends on %s" % (
maxp['Package'], maxp['Version'], distro, maxp.get('Builddeps', "nothing").replace('\n',''))
return "%s (%s, %s): Depends on %s%s" % (
maxp['Package'], maxp['Version'], distro, maxp.get('Depends', "nothing").replace('\n',''),
". Recommends %s" % maxp['Recommends'].replace('\n','') if maxp.get('Recommends') else "")
# Simple test
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
argv = sys.argv
argc = len(argv)
if argc == 1:
print("Need at least one arg")
if argc > 3:
print("Only takes 2 args")
class FakePlugin:
class FakeLog:
def error(*args, **kwargs):
def __init__(self):
self.log = self.FakeLog()
def registryValue(self, *args, **kwargs):
return "/home/bot/aptdir"
(command, lookup) = argv[1].split(None, 1)
print("Need something to look up")
dist = "zesty"
if argc == 3:
dist = argv[2]
plugin = FakePlugin()
aptlookup = Apt(plugin)
print(getattr(aptlookup, command)(lookup, dist))