Terence Simpson fd36bffcc0 (large commit, see bazaar log)
 * Less spaces in README.txt
 * Remove mention of table 'users' in README.txt
 * Add more detail on how to create the bans database in README.txt
 * Add note about supybot-wizard creating the initial database in README.txt
 * Don't hard-code default values in config.py:configure()
 * Tweak config.py
 * Clean up bans.cgi a bit

 * Comment-out obsolete "bug reporting" variables in config.py
 * Update README.txt and remove "bug reporting" stuff, also remove extraneous license info
 * Comment-out obsolete "bug reporting" code
 * Don't import imaplib

 * Don't hard-code default values in config.py:configure()
 * Check for 'owner' capability before checking if the hostmask is ignored in plugin.py:checkIgnored()
 * Clean up README.txt

 * Don't hard-code default values in config.py:configure()
 * Update default distributions in config.py:configure()
 * Update defaultRelease in config.py 
 * Update README.txt

* Add a few docstrings to commoncgi.py
* Update COPYING
* Update README.txt
2011-05-28 07:33:21 +01:00
README.txt (large commit, see bazaar log) 2011-05-28 07:33:21 +01:00
__init__.py Update copyright/license/author/contributors information 2010-05-24 14:38:06 +01:00
config.py (large commit, see bazaar log) 2011-05-28 07:33:21 +01:00
plugin.py (large commit, see bazaar log) 2011-05-28 07:33:21 +01:00
test.py Update copyright/license/author/contributors information 2010-05-24 14:38:06 +01:00

Bug information reporting plugin, works with many well-known bugtrackers.

The syntax to add a tracker is weird, here are some examples:
@bugtracker add freedesktop bugzilla https://bugs.freedesktop.org Freedesktop
@bugtracker add launchpad launchpad https://launchpad.net/malone Launchpad
@bugtracker add debian debbugs http://bugs.debian.org Debian
@bugtracker add openoffice issuezilla http://www.openoffice.org/issues OpenOffice
@bugtracker add django trac http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket Django
@bugtracker add gaim sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=235&atid=100235 Gaim

In general: @bugtracker add <name> <type> <baseurl> [description]
Bugtracker dialects (types) this plugin understands:
* Bugzilla
* Issuezilla (OpenOffice.org's tjernobyl transformation of bugzilla)
* Launchpad (Including Ubuntu)
* Debbugs (debbugs sucks donkeyballs - please fix debbugs)
* Trac
* WikiForms (see bugs.gnewsense.org for an example)
* str.php from the CUPS project
* Mantis (http://www.mantisbt.org)

A notable exception is Sourceforge. Unfortunatly, it has no API or data export
feature to output bug information in a well-formed way.

To request a bug report, use this syntax:

bug 123
bug #123
launchpad bug 123
bug 123, 4, 5
bugs 1, 3 and 89

To rename a bugtracker:
@bugtracker rename old-name new-name

To change details of a bugtracker, just add it again and it will overwrite the
existing tracker.

The bug snarfing (responding to bug numbers/urls) will only work in channels
where supybot.plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer is True.