import { ensureStackTrace } from '../../../commons/axios/ensure-stack-trace'; import axios, { AxiosInstance } from 'axios'; // // TODO how does gitlab display the "warning" state when allow_failure is true ? export type GitlabCommitStatus = // orange filled circle with paused sign inside (but "external" bubble displayed as "running") | 'pending' // circle partially filled with blue | 'running' // green filled circle with check | 'success' // red filled circle with red cross | 'failed' // back circle with backslash | 'canceled'; export class Gitlab { private axios: AxiosInstance; constructor( private readonly token: string, private readonly url = '', ) { this.axios = axios.create({ baseURL: this.url, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.token}`, }, }); ensureStackTrace(this.axios); } async setCommitStatus( projectId: string, sha: string, options: { name: string; description: string; state: GitlabCommitStatus, url?: string; }, ): Promise { // await`/api/v4/projects/${projectId}/statuses/${sha}`, { name:, description: options.description, state: options.state, target_url: options.url, }); } }