import { getRepoId } from '../ci/get-repo-id'; import { Github } from './github'; import { getCommitHash } from '../ci/get-commit-hash'; import { Logger } from '../../../commons/logger/logger'; import { Gitlab } from './gitlab'; import { Gitea } from './gitea'; import { UploadResponse } from '../upload-response'; const logger = new Logger('meli.server:setCommitStatus'); export async function setCommitStatus(data: UploadResponse, release?: string): Promise { const commitHash = getCommitHash(); const repoId = getRepoId(); if (!repoId) { logger.warn('Repo id not detected, cannot set commit status'); return; } if (!commitHash) { logger.warn('Commit hash not detected, cannot set commit status'); return; } const context = 'meli'; const description = release ? `Release ${release} deployed to Meli` : 'Site deployed to Meli'; if (process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) {'Setting Github commit status'); const github = new Github(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN, process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL); await github.setCommitStatus(repoId, commitHash, { context, description, status: data ? 'success' : 'failure', url: data?.urls[0], }); } else { logger.debug('Github token not found, will not set commit status'); } if (process.env.GITLAB_TOKEN) {'Setting Gitlab commit status'); const gitlab = new Gitlab(process.env.GITLAB_TOKEN, process.env.GITLAB_URL); await gitlab.setCommitStatus(repoId, commitHash, { name: context, description, state: data ? 'success' : 'failed', url: data?.urls[0], }); } else { logger.debug('Gitlab token not found, will not set commit status'); } if (process.env.GITEA_TOKEN && process.env.GITEA_URL) {'Setting Gitea commit status'); const gitea = new Gitea(process.env.GITEA_TOKEN, process.env.GITEA_URL); await gitea.setCommitStatus(repoId, commitHash, { context, description, state: data ? 'success' : 'failure', url: data?.urls[0], }); } else { logger.debug('Gitea token/url not found, will not set commit status'); } }