plugin_tutorial: revise / condense section and conclusion

This commit is contained in:
James Lu 2023-05-05 23:38:19 -07:00 committed by James Lu
parent 14ffe24e7a
commit 5e63c271b6
2 changed files with 91 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
.. _plugin-testing-guide:
Advanced Plugin Testing
@ -227,6 +229,8 @@ But there is a more compact syntax, using context managers::
with conf.supybot.commands.nested.context(False):
# stuff
.. _plugin-test-methods:
Plugin Test Methods
The full list of test methods and how to use them.
@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ assertActionRegexp(query, regexp, flags=re.I)
feedMsg(query, to=None, frm=None)
feedMsg(query, to=None, frm=None)
Simply feeds query to whoever is
specified in to or to the bot itself if no one is specified. Can also
optionally specify the hostmask of the sender with the frm keyword.

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@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ too: this info can be shown on a live bot using the
For this sample plugin, we define a custom constructor (``__init__``) that
instantiates a random number generator instance and pre-seeds it. This isn't
technically necessary for Python's ``random`` module, but this helps outline
technically necessary for Python's ``random`` module, but it helps outline
how to write a similar constructor. Notice in particular how you must pass in
the ``irc`` argument in addition to ``self``.
@ -332,103 +332,111 @@ NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG.
Now that we've gotten our plugin written, we want to make sure it works. Sure,
an easy way to do a somewhat quick check is to start up a bot, load the plugin,
and run a few commands on it. If all goes well there, everything's probably
okay. But, we can do better than "probably okay". This is where written plugin
tests come in. We can write tests that not only assure that the plugin loads
and runs the commands fine, but also that it produces the expected output for
given inputs. And not only that, we can use the nifty supybot-test script to
test the plugin without even having to have a network connection to connect to
IRC with and most certainly without running a local IRC server.
The easy way to test any plugin would be to start up a bot, load the plugin, and
run all the commands a few times to verify that they work. But this takes time,
and as a project grows larger, starts to be a tedious and error-prone process...
The boilerplate code for is a good start. It imports everything you
need and sets up RandomTestCase which will contain all of our tests. Now we
just need to write some test methods. I'll be moving fairly quickly here just
going over very basic concepts and glossing over details, but the full plugin
test authoring tutorial has much more detail to it and is recommended reading
after finishing this tutorial.
This is where automated testing comes in. Limnoria has a test harness built upon
the `Python unittest library <>`_
that abstracts away all the dependencies of live testing (i.e. the IRC
client and server) and allows you to cover your entire plugin's functionality
within a few seconds.
Since we have four commands we should have at least four test methods in our
test case class. Typically you name the test methods that simply checks that a
given command works by just appending the command name to test. So, we'll have
testRandom, testSeed, testSample, and testDiceRoll. Any other methods you want
to add are more free-form and should describe what you're testing (don't be
afraid to use long names).
How it works
First we'll write the testRandom method::
Plugin test cases inherit from
:class:`supybot.test.PluginTestCase` or
:class:`supybot.test.ChannelPluginTestCase` and include
:ref:`several methods <plugin-test-methods>` to interact with a simulated
instance of the bot, in addition to the
`standard assertion functions <>`_
provided by the unittest library.
def testRandom(self):
# difficult to test, let's just make sure it works
Running the tests for a Limnoria plugin is done using the
:command:`supybot-test` command: i.e. ``supybot-test /path/to/your/plugin``
Since we can't predict what the output of our random number generator is going
to be, it's hard to specify a response we want. So instead, we just make sure
we don't get an error by calling the random command, and that's about all we
can do.
The structure of these test classes, as well
as interactions with features like Limnoria's config system are described in
detail in the :ref:`Advanced Plugin Testing guide <plugin-testing-guide>`.
Next, testSeed. In this method we're just going to check that the command
itself functions. In another test method later on we will check and make sure
that the seed produces reproducible random numbers like we would hope it would,
but for now we just test it like we did random in 'testRandom'::
Functional testing examples
def testSeed(self):
# just make sure it works
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
For a command where we don't care about the exact output, the usual approach is
to check that invocations raise or don't raise an error. For a command that
generates a purely random output, this applies too since we can't predict what
the result will be::
Now for testSample. Since this one takes more arguments it makes sense that we
test more scenarios in this one. Also this time we have to make sure that we
hit the error that we coded in there given the right conditions::
class RandomTestCase(PluginTestCase):
# This tuple determines which plugins to load in the test case
plugins = ('Random',)
def testSample(self):
self.assertError('sample 20 foo')
self.assertResponse('sample 1 foo', 'foo')
self.assertRegexp('sample 2 foo bar', '... and ...')
self.assertRegexp('sample 3 foo bar baz', '..., ..., and ...')
def testRandom(self):
So first we check and make sure trying to take a 20-element sample of a
1-element list gives us an error. Next we just check and make sure we get the
right number of elements and that they are formatted correctly when we give 1,
2, or 3 element lists.
# This throws, because the command doesn't expect any arguments
self.assertError('random abcdef')
And for the last of our basic "check to see that it works" functions,
However, this is less true if you pre-seed the RNG, as then you're guaranteed
a repeatable result. The following snippet introduces
``assertResponse(commandPlusArgs, expectedOutput)``, where ``commandPlusArgs``
is the full bot command including arguments, all as one string::
def testDiceRoll(self):
self.assertActionRegexp('diceroll', 'rolls a \d')
# dummy comment to indent the below code consistently
def testSeed(self):
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
self.assertResponse('random', '0.9056396761745207')
self.assertResponse('random', '0.6862541570267026')
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
self.assertResponse('random', '0.9056396761745207')
self.assertNotError('seed 1234')
self.assertResponse('random', '0.9664535356921388')
We know that diceroll should return an action, and that with no arguments it
should roll a single-digit number. And that's about all we can test reliably
here, so that's all we do.
Alternatively, you can use ``getMsg(command)`` to fetch the output of a bot
command as a string and reuse it::
Lastly, we wanted to check and make sure that seeding the RNG with seed
actually took effect like it's supposed to. So, we write another test method::
# dummy comment to indent the below code consistently
def testSeed(self):
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
num1 = self.getMsg('random')
num2 = self.getMsg('random')
def testSeedActuallySeeds(self):
# now to make sure things work repeatably
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
m1 = self.getMsg('random')
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
m2 = self.getMsg('random')
self.failUnlessEqual(m1, m2)
m3 = self.getMsg('random')
self.failIfEqual(m2, m3)
self.assertNotError('seed 20')
num1_again = self.getMsg('random')
So we seed the RNG with 20, store the message, and then seed it at 20 again. We
grab that message, and unless they are the same number when we compare the two,
we fail. And then just to make sure our RNG is producing random numbers, we get
another random number and make sure it is distinct from the prior one.
self.assertEqual(num1, num1_again)
self.assertNotEqual(num1, num2)
Another common practice is to use regular expressions to match the output of
a command:
.. note::
The :func:`assertRegexp` defined in Limnoria is `not` the same as
:func:`assertRegex` from the standard unittest library. The latter
compares a regexp against a bare string, not the output of a bot command.
(For historical reasons, we have this confusing name.)
# dummy comment to indent the below code consistently
def testSample(self):
self.assertError('sample 20 foo') # can't sample 20 from only 1 element
self.assertResponse('sample 1 foo', 'foo')
self.assertRegexp('sample 2 foo bar', '... and ...')
self.assertRegexp('sample 3 foo bar baz', '..., ..., and ...')
# assertNotRegexp(commandWithArgs, regexp) also works as expected
def testDiceRoll(self):
self.assertActionRegexp('diceroll', 'rolls a \d')
You are now very well-prepared to write Limnoria plugins. Now for a few words of
wisdom with regards to Limnoria plugin-writing.
You are now well prepared to write Limnoria plugins. A few words of wisdom:
* Read other people's plugins, especially the included plugins and ones by
the core developers. We (the Limnoria dev team) can't possibly document
all the awesome things that Limnoria plugins can do, but we try.
Nevertheless there are some really cool things that can be done that
aren't very well-documented.
the core developers. We can't possibly document all the things that Limnoria
can do, though we try our best.
* Hack new functionality into existing plugins first if writing a new
plugin is too daunting.
@ -441,6 +449,4 @@ wisdom with regards to Limnoria plugin-writing.
and make Limnoria all that more attractive for other users so they will want
to write their plugins for Limnoria as well.
* Read, read, read all the documentation.
* And of course, have fun writing your plugins.
* And of course, have fun!