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# setup-python
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This action provides the following functionalities for GitHub Actions users:
- Optionally downloading and installing the requested version of Python/PyPy and adding it to the PATH
- Optionally caching dependencies for pip, pipenv and poetry
- Registering problem matchers for error output
## Basic usage
See [action.yml](action.yml)
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4 # <- v4 is a major release tag of the action:
python-version: '3.10'
- run: python
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 'pypy3.9'
- run: python
The `python-version` input is optional. If not supplied, the action will try to resolve version from the default `.python-version` file. If `.python-version` file doesn't exist Python/PyPy version from the PATH will be used. The default version of Python/PyPy in PATH vary between runners and can be changed unexpectedly so we recommend always use `setup-python`.
The action will first check the local [tool cache](docs/ for a [semver]( match. If unable to find a specific version in the tool cache, the action will attempt to download a version of Python from [GitHub Releases]( and for PyPy from the official [PyPy's dist](
For information regarding locally cached versions of Python/PyPy on GitHub hosted runners, check out [GitHub Actions Virtual Environments](
## Supported version syntax
The `python-version` input supports the [Semantic Versioning Specification]( and some special version notations (e.g. `semver ranges`, `x.y-dev syntax`, etc.), for detailed examples please refer to the section: [Using python-version input](docs/ of the [Advanced usage](docs/ guide.
## Supported architectures
Using `architecture` input it is possible to specify required Python/PyPy interpreter architecture: `x86` or `x64`. If input is not specified the architecture defaults to `x64`.
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## Caching packages dependencies
Download and set up the latest stable version of Python (for specified major version):
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.x'
- run: python
Download and set up PyPy:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- 'pypy3.7' # the latest available version of PyPy that supports Python 3.7
- 'pypy3.7-v7.3.3' # Python 3.7 and PyPy 7.3.3
- 'pypy3.8' # the latest available version of PyPy that supports Python 3.8
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- run: python
More details on PyPy syntax and examples of using preview / nightly versions of PyPy can be found in the [Available versions of PyPy](#available-versions-of-pypy) section.
An output is available with the absolute path of the python interpreter executable if you need it:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
id: cp310
python-version: "3.10"
- run: pipx run --python '${{ steps.cp310.outputs.python-path }}' nox --version
>The environment variable `pythonLocation` also becomes available after Python or PyPy installation. It contains the absolute path to the folder where the desired version of Python or PyPy is installed.
# Getting started with Python + Actions
Check out our detailed guide on using [Python with GitHub Actions](
# Available versions of Python
`setup-python` is able to configure Python from two sources:
- Preinstalled versions of Python in the tools cache on GitHub-hosted runners.
- For detailed information regarding the available versions of Python that are installed, see [Supported software](
- For every minor version of Python, expect only the latest patch to be preinstalled.
- If `3.8.1` is installed for example, and `3.8.2` is released, expect `3.8.1` to be removed and replaced by `3.8.2` in the tools cache.
- If the exact patch version doesn't matter to you, specifying just the major and minor version will get you the latest preinstalled patch version. In the previous example, the version spec `3.8` will use the `3.8.2` Python version found in the cache.
- Use `-dev` instead of a patch number (e.g., `3.11-dev`) to install the latest patch version release for a given minor version, *alpha and beta releases included*.
- Downloadable Python versions from GitHub Releases ([actions/python-versions](
- All available versions are listed in the [version-manifest.json]( file.
- If there is a specific version of Python that is not available, you can open an issue here
**Note:** Python versions used in this action are generated in the [python-versions]( repository. For macOS and Ubuntu images python versions are built from the source code. For Windows the python-versions repository uses installation executable. For more information please refer to the [python-versions]( repository.
# Available versions of PyPy
`setup-python` is able to configure PyPy from two sources:
- Preinstalled versions of PyPy in the tools cache on GitHub-hosted runners
- For detailed information regarding the available versions of PyPy that are installed, see [Supported software](
- For the latest PyPy release, all versions of Python are cached.
- Cache is updated with a 1-2 week delay. If you specify the PyPy version as `pypy3.7` or `pypy-3.7`, the cached version will be used although a newer version is available. If you need to start using the recently released version right after release, you should specify the exact PyPy version using `pypy3.7-v7.3.3` or `pypy-3.7-v7.3.3`.
- Downloadable PyPy versions from the [official PyPy site](
- All available versions that we can download are listed in [versions.json]( file.
- PyPy < 7.3.3 are not available to install on-flight.
- If some versions are not available, you can open an issue in
# Hosted Tool Cache
GitHub hosted runners have a tools cache that comes with a few versions of Python + PyPy already installed. This tools cache helps speed up runs and tool setup by not requiring any new downloads. There is an environment variable called `RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE` on each runner that describes the location of this tools cache and there is where you will find Python and PyPy installed. `setup-python` works by taking a specific version of Python or PyPy in this tools cache and adding it to PATH.
|| Location |
|**Tool Cache Directory** |`RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE`|
|**Python Tool Cache**|`RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE/Python/*`|
|**PyPy Tool Cache**|`RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE/PyPy/*`|
GitHub virtual environments are setup in [actions/virtual-environments]( During the setup, the available versions of Python and PyPy are automatically downloaded, setup and documented.
- Tools cache setup for Ubuntu: [Install-Toolset.ps1]( [Configure-Toolset.ps1](
- Tools cache setup for Windows: [Install-Toolset.ps1]( [Configure-Toolset.ps1](
# Specifying a Python version
If there is a specific version of Python that you need and you don't want to worry about any potential breaking changes due to patch updates (going from `3.7.5` to `3.7.6` for example), you should specify the exact major, minor, and patch version (such as `3.7.5`)
- The only downside to this is that set up will take a little longer since the exact version will have to be downloaded if the exact version is not already installed on the runner due to more recent versions.
- MSI installers are used on Windows for this, so runs will take a little longer to set up vs Mac and Linux.
You should specify only a major and minor version if you are okay with the most recent patch version being used.
- There will be a single patch version already installed on each runner for every minor version of Python that is supported.
- The patch version that will be preinstalled, will generally be the latest and every time there is a new patch released, the older version that is preinstalled will be replaced.
- Using the most recent patch version will result in a very quick setup since no downloads will be required since a locally installed version Python on the runner will be used.
# Specifying a PyPy version
The version of PyPy should be specified in the format `pypy<python_version>[-v<pypy_version>]` or `pypy-<python_version>[-v<pypy_version>]`.
The `<pypy_version>` parameter is optional and can be skipped. The latest version will be used in this case.
pypy3.7 or pypy-3.7 # the latest available version of PyPy that supports Python 3.7
pypy3.8 or pypy-3.8 # the latest available version of PyPy that supports Python 3.8
pypy2.7 or pypy-2.7 # the latest available version of PyPy that supports Python 2.7
pypy3.7-v7.3.3 or pypy-3.7-v7.3.3 # Python 3.7 and PyPy 7.3.3
pypy3.7-v7.x or pypy-3.7-v7.x # Python 3.7 and the latest available PyPy 7.x
pypy3.7-v7.3.3rc1 or pypy-3.7-v7.3.3rc1 # Python 3.7 and preview version of PyPy
pypy3.7-nightly or pypy-3.7-nightly # Python 3.7 and nightly PyPy
Note: `pypy2` and `pypy3` have been removed in v3. Use the format above instead.
# Check latest version
The `check-latest` flag defaults to `false`. Use the default or set `check-latest` to `false` if you prefer stability and if you want to ensure a specific `Python/PyPy` version is always used.
If `check-latest` is set to `true`, the action first checks if the cached version is the latest one. If the locally cached version is not the most up-to-date, a `Python/PyPy` version will then be downloaded. Set `check-latest` to `true` if you want the most up-to-date `Python/PyPy` version to always be used.
> Setting `check-latest` to `true` has performance implications as downloading `Python/PyPy` versions is slower than using cached versions.
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: '3.7'
check-latest: true
- run: python
# Caching packages dependencies
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The action has built-in functionality for caching and restoring dependencies. It uses [actions/cache]( under the hood for caching dependencies but requires less configuration settings. Supported package managers are `pip`, `pipenv` and `poetry`. The `cache` input is optional, and caching is turned off by default.
The action defaults to searching for a dependency file (`requirements.txt` for pip, `Pipfile.lock` for pipenv or `poetry.lock` for poetry) in the repository, and uses its hash as a part of the cache key. Input `cache-dependency-path` is used for cases when multiple dependency files are used, they are located in different subdirectories or different files for the hash want to be used.
- For `pip`, the action will cache global cache directory
- For `pipenv`, the action will cache virtualenv directory
- For `poetry`, the action will cache virtualenv directory
**Caching pip dependencies:**
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.9'
cache: 'pip' # caching pip dependencies
- run: pip install -r requirements.txt
>**Note:** Restored cache will not be used if the requirements.txt file is not updated for a long time and a newer version of the dependency is available that can lead to an increase in total build time.
>The requirements file format allows to specify dependency versions using logical operators (for example chardet>=3.0.4) or specify dependencies without any versions. In this case the pip install -r requirements.txt command will always try to install the latest available package version. To be sure that the cache will be used, please stick to a specific dependency version and update it manually if necessary.
See examples of using `cache` and `cache-dependency-path` for `pipenv` and `poetry` in the section: [Caching packages data](docs/ of the [Advanced usage](docs/ guide.
## Advanced usage
- [Using python-version input](docs/
- [Using python-version-file input](docs/
- [Check latest version](docs/
- [Caching packages data](docs/
- [Environment variables and action's outputs](docs/
- [Available versions of Python and PyPy](docs/
- [Hosted tool cache](docs/
- [Using `setup-python` with a self hosted runner](docs/
- [Using `setup-python` on GHES](docs/
## License
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
## Contributions
Contributions are welcome! See our [Contributor's Guide](docs/