* Update symlinks in the root.

* Bantracker/cgi/bans.cgi:
 * Use action="" in forms, which default to whatever the current URL is
   (without query or fragment).
 * Make sure errors are printed to sys.stderr, so they show up in the
   right pace.
 * Added irc_network and irc_channel config options, so it's not
 * replace "X.has_key(Y)" with "Y in X", has_key is "depricated" and
   removed in 3.x (forward planning)
 * added isTrue() and isFalse() to test if a form value evaluates to
 * True or False, repectivly. Use these in isOn().
 * If a bad regex is passed in the log view, show that it was an error.
 * Wrap INSERT statements in a try block.
 * Put the generation time in a (X)HTML comment.
* Bantracker/config.py: Add SQL to create INDEX. 
* Bantracker/README.txt: Update with extra information on setting up the
  web interface.
This commit is contained in:
Terence Simpson 2011-12-21 16:38:39 +00:00
parent e3669b4465
commit 3c9161db65
7 changed files with 130 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ You can use the @mark <nick|hostmask> [<channel>] [<comment>]
command to manually add an entry to the bantracker without having to actially
kick/ban someone.
It also uses commoncgi.py which should be on your sys.path (or as you can see in
the script, sys.path is modified to include the dir of commoncgi.py)
The schema of the SQLite2 database:
@ -39,6 +36,32 @@ set supybot.plugins.bantracker.database to its filename. Then enable it, either
per-channel or globally, by setting the channel variable:
You can create the database by using the "sqlite" command-line tool by passing
the file name and then copy/paste the above table schema.
the file name and then copy/paste the above table schema. Then type ".quit" to
save and exit.
If you choose to enable this plugin during the initial setup (with the command
supybot-wizard), then the database will be created automatically for you.
If you wish to use the web interface, it also uses commoncgi.py which should be
on your sys.path (or as you can see in cgt/bans.cgi, sys.path is modified to
include the dir of commoncgi.py).
You should place the contents of the cgi/ directory somewhere accessible by
your web server, and modify the CONFIG_FILENAME variable near the top of the
script to point to the location of your bantracker.conf.
Then modify the bantracker.conf file to reflect the proper values for your
The meanings of the entries in bantracker.conf are:
Key Type Description
anonymous_access Boolean True if annonmous access is allowed, otherwise
database String The full path to the SQLite bantracker database.
results_per_page Number The maximum number of results that should be shown
per page.
plugin_path String The full path to the directory that contains the
commoncgi.py file.
irc_network String
The DNS name of the IRC network anonymous users are
directed to when anonymous access is disabled.
irc_channel String The channel name anonymous users are directed to
when anonmous access is disabled.

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
import os
import sys
import time
import urllib
@ -24,10 +23,12 @@ config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
# set default values
config.set('webpage', 'database', 'bans.db')
config.set('webpage', 'database', '/home/bot/data/bans.db')
config.set('webpage', 'results_per_page', '100')
config.set('webpage', 'anonymous_access', 'True')
config.set('webpage', 'PLUGIN_PATH', '')
config.set('webpage', 'PLUGIN_PATH', '/var/www/bot')
config.set('webpage', 'irc_network', 'irc.freenode.net')
config.set('webpage', 'irc_channel', '#ubuntu-ops')
@ -45,14 +46,14 @@ except:
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print "<p>Failed to load the module commoncgi</p>"
print "<p>Check that the config option PLUGIN_PATH in '%s' is correct.</p>" % CONFIG_FILENAME
print "<p>Check that the config option PLUGIN_PATH in '%s' is correct.</p>" % CONFIG_FILENAME ##< Is this "private" information?
db = config.get('webpage', 'database')
num_per_page = config.getint('webpage', 'results_per_page')
anonymous_access = config.getboolean('webpage', 'anonymous_access')
pagename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
irc_network = config.get('webpage', 'irc_network')
irc_channel = config.get('webpage', 'irc_channel')
t1 = time.time()
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ try:
con = sqlite.connect(db)
cur = con.cursor()
except sqlite.DatabaseError:
print "Unable to connect to to database '%s'" % db
print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to connect to to database '%s'" % db
def db_execute(query, args):
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ def db_execute(query, args):
cur.execute(query, args)
return cur
except sqlite.OperationalError:
print "The database is locked, wait a bit and try again."
print >> sys.stderr, "The database is locked, wait a bit and try again."
# Login check
@ -83,9 +84,9 @@ except:
# Session handling
if form.has_key('sess'):
if 'sess' in form:
cookie['sess'] = form['sess'].value
if cookie.has_key('sess'):
if 'sess' in cookie:
sess = cookie['sess'].value
cur.execute('SELECT user FROM sessions WHERE session_id=%s',(sess,))
@ -96,17 +97,43 @@ if cookie.has_key('sess'):
if not user and not anonymous_access:
print "Sorry, bantracker is not available for anonymous users<br />"
print "Join <a href=irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntu-ops>#ubuntu-ops</a> on irc.freenode.net to discuss bans"
print 'Join <a href="irc://%s/%s">%s</a> on %s to descuss bans.' % (irc_network, irc_channel[1:], irc_channel, irc_network)
haveQuery = False
def urlencode(**kwargs):
"""Return the url options as a string, inserting additional ones if given."""
d = dict([ (i.name, i.value) for i in form.list ])
return urllib.urlencode(d.items())
def isTrue(value):
"""Returns True if the form value is one of "1", "true", "yes", or "on", case insensitive"""
if not value:
return False
return value.lower() in ('1', 'true', 'yes', 'on')
def isFalse(value):
"""Returns True if the form value is one of "0", "false", "no", or "off", case insensitive"""
if not value:
return False
return value.lower() in ('0', 'false', 'no', 'off')
def isOn(k):
global haveQuery
default = not haveQuery
if not k in form:
return default
if isTrue(form[k].value):
return True
if isFalse(form[k].value):
return False
return default
# Log
if form.has_key('log'):
if 'log' in form:
log_id = form['log'].value
plain = False
mark = False
@ -114,13 +141,13 @@ if form.has_key('log'):
regex = False
regex_value = ''
if form.has_key('plain') and form['plain'].value.lower() in ('1', 'true', 'on'):
if 'plain' in form and isTrue(form['plain'].value):
plain = True
if form.has_key('mark'):
if 'mark' in form:
mark = True
mark_value = form['mark'].value
if form.has_key('regex') and form['regex'].value in ('1', 'true', 'on'):
if 'regex' in form and isTrue(form['regex'].value)
regex = True
regex_value = 'checked="checked"'
@ -138,7 +165,7 @@ if form.has_key('log'):
if not plain:
print ' <div class="main">'
print ' <form id="hform" action="%s" method="get">' % pagename
print ' <form id="hform" action="" method="get">'
print ' <fieldset>'
print ' <input type="hidden" name="log" id="log" value="%s">' % q(log_id)
print ' <label for="mark">Highlight:</label>'
@ -159,7 +186,11 @@ if form.has_key('log'):
if mark:
if regex:
mark = re.compile(mark_value, re.I)
mark = re.compile(mark_value, re.I)
print >> sys.stderr, "Malformed regex %r" % mark_value
mark = False
escaped = re.escape(mark_value).replace('%', '.*')
mark = re.compile(escaped, re.I)
@ -182,7 +213,7 @@ if form.has_key('log'):
print '</div><br />'
print '<div>'
print ' <form id="comment_form" action="%s" method="post">' % pagename
print ' <form id="comment_form" action="" method="post">'
print ' <fieldset>'
print ' <legend>Add a comment</legend>'
print ' <textarea cols="50" rows="5" class="input" name="comment"></textarea><br />'
@ -196,16 +227,20 @@ if form.has_key('log'):
# Main page
# Process comments
if form.has_key('comment') and form.has_key('comment_id') and user:
if 'comment' in form and 'comment_id' in form and user:
cur.execute('SELECT ban_id FROM comments WHERE ban_id=%s and comment=%s', (form['comment_id'].value, form['comment'].value))
comm = cur.fetchall()
if not len(comm):
cur.execute('INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)',
cur.execute('INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)',
(form['comment_id'].value, user,form['comment'].value, pickle.dumps(datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC))))
except sqlite.DatabaseError:
print >> sys.stderr, "Sorry, failed to submit comment to the database. Please try again later."
# Write the page
print '<form action="%s" method="POST">' % pagename
print '<form action="" method="POST">'
# Personal data
print '<div class="pdata">'
@ -213,13 +248,15 @@ if user:
print 'Logged in as: %s <br /> ' % user
print 'Timezone: '
if form.has_key('tz') and form['tz'].value in pytz.common_timezones:
if 'tz' in form and form['tz'].value in pytz.common_timezones:
tz = form['tz'].value
elif cookie.has_key('tz') and cookie['tz'].value in pytz.common_timezones:
elif 'tz' in cookie and cookie['tz'].value in pytz.common_timezones:
tz = cookie['tz'].value
tz = 'UTC'
cookie['tz'] = tz
print '<select class="input" name="tz">'
for zone in pytz.common_timezones:
if zone == tz:
@ -233,17 +270,7 @@ print '</div>'
tz = pytz.timezone(tz)
haveQuery = 'query' in form or 'channel' in form or 'operator' in form
def isOn(k):
default = not haveQuery
if not form.has_key(k):
return default
if form[k].value.lower() in ('on', '1', 'true', 'yes'):
return True
if form[k].value.lower() in ('off', '0', 'false', 'no'):
return False
return default
haveQuery = 'query' in form or 'channel' in form or 'operator' in form
def makeInput(name, label, before=False, type="checkbox", extra=''):
if before:
@ -253,7 +280,7 @@ def makeInput(name, label, before=False, type="checkbox", extra=''):
if isOn(name):
value = ' checked="checked"'
if form.has_key(name):
if name in form:
value = ' value="%s"' % form[name].value,
print '<input class="input" type="%s" name="%s" id="%s"%s /> %s' \
@ -264,7 +291,7 @@ def makeInput(name, label, before=False, type="checkbox", extra=''):
# Search form
print '<div class="search">'
print '<form action="%s" method="GET">' % pagename
print '<form action="" method="GET">'
makeInput("channel", "Channel:", True, "text")
makeInput("operator", "Operator:", True, "text")
makeInput("query", "Search:", True, "text", extra="(% and _ are wildcards)")
@ -287,6 +314,8 @@ print '</form></div>'
if not haveQuery:
# sqlite2 sucks, getting the last bans takes a lot of time.
# so lets disable that so at least the page loads quickly.
## Maybe we should include a link on the main page for those who do want
## to list the latest bans? --tsimpson
print '<div style="clear: both"></div>'
@ -297,7 +326,7 @@ def getBans(id=None, mask=None, kicks=True, oldbans=True, bans=True, floodbots=T
args = []
where = []
if id:
where.append("id = %s")
if mask:
where.append("mask LIKE %s")
@ -305,10 +334,10 @@ def getBans(id=None, mask=None, kicks=True, oldbans=True, bans=True, floodbots=T
if not floodbots:
where.append("operator NOT LIKE 'floodbot%%'")
if operator:
where.append("operator LIKE %s")
where.append("operator LIKE %s") ## LIKE or ==? --tsimpson
if channel:
where.append("channel LIKE %s")
where.append("channel LIKE %s") ## LIKE or ==? --tsimpson
if not kicks:
where.append("mask LIKE '%%!%%'")
@ -359,13 +388,13 @@ def getQueryTerm(query, term):
return (query, None)
page = 0
if form.has_key('page'):
if 'page' in form:
page = int(form['page'].value)
bans = []
ban_count = 0
query = oper = chan = None
if form.has_key('query'):
if 'query' in form:
query = form['query'].value
if query and query.isdigit():
@ -373,9 +402,9 @@ if query and query.isdigit():
ban_count = len(bans)
if not bans:
if form.has_key('channel'):
if 'channe' in form:
chan = form['channel'].value
if form.has_key('operator'):
if 'operator' in form:
oper = form['operator'].value
bans, ban_count = getBans(mask=query, kicks=isOn('kicks'),
@ -397,7 +426,7 @@ def _sortf(x1,x2,field):
if x1[field] > x2[field]: return 1
return 0
if form.has_key('sort'):
if 'sort' in form:
field = int(form['sort'].value)
@ -408,7 +437,7 @@ if form.has_key('sort'):
if field >= 10:
if 'query' in form or 'operator' in form or 'channel' in form:
if haveQuery:
if not ban_count:
print '<div style="clear: both">Nothing found.</div>'
elif ban_count == 1:
@ -422,7 +451,7 @@ if bans:
print '&middot;'
num_pages = int(math.ceil(ban_count / float(num_per_page)))
for i in range(num_pages):
print '<a href="%s?%s">%d</a> &middot;' % (pagename, urlencode(page=i), i + 1)
print '<a href="?%s">%d</a> &middot;' % (urlencode(page=i), i + 1)
print '</div>'
# nothign to show
@ -448,7 +477,7 @@ for h in [ ('Channel', 0, 45),
if v < 10: h[1] += 10
#print '<th style="width: %s%%"><a href="%s?sort=%s">%s</a></th>' % (h[2], pagename, h[1], h[0])
#print '<th style="width: %s%%"><a href="?sort=%s">%s</a></th>' % (h[2], h[1], h[0])
print '<th style="width: %s%%">%s</th>' % (h[2], h[0])
print '<th style="width: 15%">Log</th>'
print '<th>ID</th>'
@ -484,8 +513,8 @@ for b in bans:
# Log link
print """<td>
Show log <a class="pseudolink" id="loglink-%s" onclick="showlog('%s')">inline</a>
| <a href="%s?log=%d">full</a>
</td>""" % (b[6], b[6], pagename, b[6])
| <a href="?log=%d">full</a>
</td>""" % (b[6], b[6], b[6])
# ID
print '<td id="id-%d">%d</td>' % (b[6], b[6])
@ -496,7 +525,7 @@ for b in bans:
print '<tr class="bg2">'
print "<tr>"
db_execute('SELECT who, comment, time FROM comments WHERE ban_id = %d', (b[6],))
db_execute('SELECT who, comment, time FROM comments WHERE ban_id=%d', (b[6],))
comments = cur.fetchall()
if len(comments) == 0:
print '<td colspan="5" class="comment">'
@ -512,7 +541,7 @@ for b in bans:
if user:
print """<span class="pseudolink" onclick="toggle('%s','comment')">Add comment</span>""" % b[6]
print """<div class="invisible" id="comment_%s"><br />""" % b[6]
print """ <form action="%s" method="POST">""" % pagename
print """ <form action="" method="post">"""
print """ <textarea cols="50" rows="5" class="input" name="comment"></textarea><br />"""
print """ <input type="hidden" name="comment_id" value="%s" />""" % b[6]
print """ <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Send" />"""
@ -526,7 +555,7 @@ print '</table>'
t2 = time.time()
print "Generated in %.4f seconds<br/>" % (t2 - t1)
print "<!-- Generated in %.4f seconds -->" % (t2 - t1)
# Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand send!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
anonymous_access = True
database = /home/bot/data/bans.db
irc_network = irc.freenode.net
results_per_page = 100
irc_channel = #ubuntu-ops
plugin_path = /var/www/bot

View File

@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ def configure(advanced):
cur.execute("CREATE INDEX comments_ban_id ON comments(ban_id)")
@ -169,6 +171,13 @@ def configure(advanced):
## Notes on setting up the web interface.
output("If you wish to use the web interface to Bantracker, please copy the cgi")
output("direcdtory to somewhere accessible from your webserver. Remember to modify")
output("the CONFIG_FILENAME variable in cgi/bans.cgi, and modify the")
output("bantracker.conf configuration file with the appropriate information.")
output("See the README.txt file for more information.")
Bantracker = conf.registerPlugin('Bantracker')
conf.registerChannelValue(Bantracker, 'enabled',
registry.Boolean(False, """Enable the bantracker"""))

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@