Fix SQL injection issue in Encyclopedia/factoids.cgi

This commit is contained in:
tsimpson 2012-12-22 12:28:15 +00:00
parent 3dda319c00
commit f66008f901

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@ -77,12 +77,18 @@ class Log:
return self._added[:self._added.find('.')]
return self._added
## SQLite function to check if a string contains a substring
## Because we can't pass % along to WHERE X LIKE %s
def contains(needle, haystack):
return needle.lower() in haystack.lower() and 1 or 0
# Read POST
if 'db' in form:
database = form['db'].value
if database not in databases:
database = default_database
con = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(datadir, database + '.db'))
con.create_function('contains', 2, contains)
cur = con.cursor()
try: page = int(form['page'].value)
@ -97,24 +103,25 @@ if 'search' in form:
# Select factoids
if search:
keys = [urllib2.unquote(x.strip()) for x in search.split() if len(x.strip()) >=2][:5]
values = []
if not keys:
keys = ['']
query1 = "SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE name NOT LIKE '%-also' AND ("
query1 = "SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE name NOT LIKE '%%-also' AND ("
query2 = "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM facts WHERE "
bogus = False
for k in keys:
k = repr('%' + k + '%')
values.extend((k, k))
if bogus:
query1 += ' OR '
query2 += ' OR '
query1 += "name LIKE %s OR VAlUE LIKE %s" % (k, k)
query2 += "name LIKE %s OR VAlUE LIKE %s" % (k, k)
query1 += "contains(%s, name) OR contains(%s, value)"
query2 += "contains(%s, name) OR contains(%s, value)"
query1 += ') ORDER BY %s LIMIT %d, %d' % (order_by, NUM_PER_PAGE*page, NUM_PER_PAGE)
cur.execute(query1, values)
factoids = [Factoid(x) for x in cur.fetchall()]
cur.execute(query2, values)
total = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
cur.execute("SELECT name, value, author, added, popularity FROM facts WHERE value NOT LIKE '<alias>%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%-also' ORDER BY %s LIMIT %d, %d" % (order_by, page*NUM_PER_PAGE, NUM_PER_PAGE))