Add Bantracker.clearban command to manually mark bans as removed

This commit is contained in:
tsimpson 2013-04-07 22:10:48 +01:00
parent f66008f901
commit 38dad7b89e

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@ -1055,10 +1055,13 @@ class Bantracker(callbacks.Plugin):
return ban
def doUnban(self, irc, channel, nick, mask):
def doUnban(self, irc, channel, nick, mask, id = None):
if not self.registryValue('enabled', channel):
data = self.db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans where channel=%s and mask=%s", (channel, mask), expect_result=True)
if id is None:
data = self.db_run("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans where channel=%s and mask=%s", (channel, mask), expect_result=True)
data = [[id]]
if data and len(data) and not (data[0][0] == None):
self.db_run("UPDATE bans SET removal=%s , removal_op=%s WHERE id=%s", (now(), nick, int(data[0][0])))
if not channel in self.bans:
@ -1573,6 +1576,45 @@ class Bantracker(callbacks.Plugin):
updatebt = wrap(updatebt, [optional('anything', default=None)])
def clearban(self, irc, msg, args, ids, comment):
"""<id>[,<id> ...] [<comment>]
Marks the ban with <id> as removed with <comment>, if no comment is
given it defaults to "Cleared by $nick".
def addComment(id, nick, message):
self.db_run("INSERT INTO comments (ban_id, who, comment, time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (id, nick, message, now()))
if not self.check_auth(irc, msg, args):
if comment is None:
comment = "Cleared by " + msg.nick
removed = []
for id in splitID(ids):
mask, channel, removal = self._getBan(id)
except ValueError:
irc.reply("I don't know any ban with id %s" % id)
if removal:
irc.reply("The ban with id %s is already marked as removed" % id)
addComment(id, msg.nick, comment)
self.doUnban(irc, channel, msg.nick, mask, id)
if removed:
irc.reply("Removed %s" % utils.str.commaAndify(map(str, removed)))
irc.reply("No bans removed")
clearban = wrap(clearban, ['something', optional('text')])
def _getBan(self, id):
"""gets mask, channel and removal date of ban"""
L = self.db_run("SELECT mask, channel, removal FROM bans WHERE id = %s",